Whew, today was a whirlwind!
We had two secret readers! They both were great and both brought us fun books to read! Ask what the books were about (sleeps till Christmas and "Don't push the button!")
We are working so hard on missing parts in math. I think we made some headway today.... see if your firstie can find the related fact to this:
___ + 7 = 16 (To solve, we find the related fact.... 16-7=9)
or this:
____ + 4 = 12 (related fact...12-4=8).
There is NO HOMEWORK tonight...I was able to have a sub work with the kids today so I could get through all 17 DIBELS tests. This is the assessment that measures growth in reading. I LOVED listening to each one read so carefully! I am so proud of them!!
In centers, we are working hard on reading fluently. Your child may have brought home a book tonight..if so, have them read to you! They are getting so confident!
Tomorrow is Friday! Enjoy the beautiful evening! See you in the morning!