
Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Tuesday, Nov. 30

 We just finished our 68th day of school! It was a busy one!

We began with our last two leaders in the faith, King Jehoshaphat and Queen Esther. The religion book should be home now- use it to learn a bit about how trusting God can lead to great things happening!

We also worked on our second /y/ sound.... our keyword picture is CANDY. "Y" can sound like /i/ or /e/ and sometimes it is even a suffix! We have been busy putting this all together!

We read a story about the ocean. What animals did your child like to read about? Were there any new facts learned today? What in the world is kelp?

In math, we wrapped up our subtraction unit but working on fluency! 

We had a secret reader who introduced us to the Grinch, who had a change of heart by the end of the story. What was the lesson we can learn?

We practiced hard for our worship tomorrow and even found some wandering wisemen!

Chapel tomorrow, and only one piece of homework tonight!