
Tuesday, January 4, 2022

New Year!! Happy Tuesday! Jan. 4, 2022

 We had a great day today!! Here are the highlights!!

We did a NEW YEAR'S SCAVENGER HUNT! Each party hat had a different direction, so we were working on following directions carefully! 

We read two GREAT books....first was Squirrel's New Year's Resolution. What is a resolution? Did you make any? Can you think of any great ones? What was squirrel's resolution? 
Then we read "Tikki Tikki Tembo"...Mrs. Hardies's all time favorite book ever! What was the name of the main character! It's a long one! 

We started new math warmups today that focus on a wide variety of very important skills! This is what one looks like. Ask your firstie how they liked doing side A and B of math today!

In Jesus time, we read about Simeon and Anna and how they waited their whole lives to meet Jesus. They know Jesus was born for ALL. What a great message we can share too! 

Here's our memory for the week! We have hand motions!!! 

And of course, we caught up with friends!

Ask about fluency writing. We do this so we can get really good at getting our thoughts down on paper. Today we wrote for 5 mins. How many words did your firstie write today?

Spelling is in the backpack...nothing super tricky here! We knew most of these already! 

Have a blessed night!